36 research outputs found

    Domain-sensitive Temporal Tagging for Event-centric Information Retrieval

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    Temporal and geographic information is of major importance in virtually all contexts. Thus, it also occurs frequently in many types of text documents in the form of temporal and geographic expressions. Often, those are used to refer to something that was, is, or will be happening at some specific time and some specific place – in other words, temporal and geographic expressions are often used to refer to events. However, so far, event-related information needs are not well served by standard information retrieval approaches, which motivates the topic of this thesis: event-centric information retrieval. An important characteristic of temporal and geographic expressions – and thus of two components of events – is that they can be normalized so that their meaning is unambiguous and can be placed on a timeline or pinpointed on a map. In many research areas in which natural language processing is involved, e.g., in information retrieval, document summarization, and question answering, applications can highly benefit from having access to normalized information instead of only the words as they occur in documents. In this thesis, we present several frameworks for searching and exploring document collections with respect to occurring temporal, geographic, and event information. While we rely on an existing tool for extracting and normalizing geographic expressions, we study the task of temporal tagging, i.e., the extraction and normalization of temporal expressions. A crucial issue is that so far most research on temporal tagging dealt with English news-style documents. However, temporal expressions have to be handled in different ways depending on the domain of the documents from which they are extracted. Since we do not want to limit our research to one domain and one language, we develop the multilingual, cross-domain temporal tagger HeidelTime. It is the only publicly available temporal tagger for several languages and easy to extend to further languages. In addition, it achieves state-of-the-art evaluation results for all addressed domains and languages, and lays the foundations for all further contributions developed in this thesis. To achieve our goal of exploiting temporal and geographic expressions for event-centric information retrieval from a variety of text documents, we introduce the concept of spatio-temporal events and several concepts to "compute" with temporal, geographic, and event information. These concepts are used to develop a spatio-temporal ranking approach, which does not only consider textual, temporal, and geographic query parts but also two different types of proximity information. Furthermore, we adapt the spatio-temporal search idea by presenting a framework to directly search for events. Additionally, several map-based exploration frameworks are introduced that allow a new way of exploring event information latently contained in huge document collections. Finally, an event-centric document similarity model is developed that calculates document similarity on multilingual corpora solely based on extracted and normalized event information

    NLNDE: Enhancing Neural Sequence Taggers with Attention and Noisy Channel for Robust Pharmacological Entity Detection

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    Named entity recognition has been extensively studied on English news texts. However, the transfer to other domains and languages is still a challenging problem. In this paper, we describe the system with which we participated in the first subtrack of the PharmaCoNER competition of the BioNLP Open Shared Tasks 2019. Aiming at pharmacological entity detection in Spanish texts, the task provides a non-standard domain and language setting. However, we propose an architecture that requires neither language nor domain expertise. We treat the task as a sequence labeling task and experiment with attention-based embedding selection and the training on automatically annotated data to further improve our system's performance. Our system achieves promising results, especially by combining the different techniques, and reaches up to 88.6% F1 in the competition.Comment: Published at BioNLP-OST@EMNLP 201

    GradSim: Gradient-Based Language Grouping for Effective Multilingual Training

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    Most languages of the world pose low-resource challenges to natural language processing models. With multilingual training, knowledge can be shared among languages. However, not all languages positively influence each other and it is an open research question how to select the most suitable set of languages for multilingual training and avoid negative interference among languages whose characteristics or data distributions are not compatible. In this paper, we propose GradSim, a language grouping method based on gradient similarity. Our experiments on three diverse multilingual benchmark datasets show that it leads to the largest performance gains compared to other similarity measures and it is better correlated with cross-lingual model performance. As a result, we set the new state of the art on AfriSenti, a benchmark dataset for sentiment analysis on low-resource African languages. In our extensive analysis, we further reveal that besides linguistic features, the topics of the datasets play an important role for language grouping and that lower layers of transformer models encode language-specific features while higher layers capture task-specific information

    Three real-world datasets and neural computational models for classification tasks in patent landscaping

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    Patent Landscaping, one of the central tasks of intellectual property management, includes selecting and grouping patents according to user-defined technical or application-oriented criteria. While recent transformer-based models have been shown to be effective for classifying patents into taxonomies such as CPC or IPC, there is yet little research on how to support real-world Patent Landscape Studies (PLSs) using natural language processing methods. With this paper, we release three labeled datasets for PLS-oriented classification tasks covering two diverse domains. We provide a qualitative analysis and report detailed corpus statistics.Most research on neural models for patents has been restricted to leveraging titles and abstracts. We compare strong neural and non-neural baselines, proposing a novel model that takes into account textual information from the patents’ full texts as well as embeddings created based on the patents’ CPC labels. We find that for PLS-oriented classification tasks, going beyond title and abstract is crucial, CPC labels are an effective source of information, and combining all features yields the best results

    Evaluating neural multi-field document representations for patent classification

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    Patent classification constitutes a long-tailed hierarchical learning problem. Prior work has demonstrated the efficacy of neural representations based on pre-trained transformers, however, due to the limited input size of these models, using only title and abstract of patents as input. Patent documents consist of several textual fields, some of which are quite long. We show that a baseline using simple tf.idf-based methods can easily leverage this additional information. We propose a new architecture combining the neural transformer-based representations of the various fields into a meta-embedding, which we demonstrate to outperform the tf.idf-based counterparts especially on less frequent classes. Using a relatively simple architecture, we outperform the previous state of the art on CPC classification by a margin of 1.2 macro-avg. F1 and 2.6 micro-avg. F1. We identify the textual field giving a “brief-summary” of the patent as most informative with regard to CPC classification, which points to interesting future directions of research on less computation-intensive models, e.g., by summarizing long documents before neural classification